Sample Employment Contract for Housekeeper

When it comes to hiring a housekeeper, it`s important to have an employment contract in place to ensure that both parties are clear on expectations and responsibilities. An employment contract can also help to protect both the employer and the housekeeper in case of any unforeseen issues.

Here`s a sample employment contract for a housekeeper to get you started:


This agreement („Agreement“) is made and entered into on [Date], between [Employer’s Name], (hereafter referred to as „Employer“), and [Housekeeper’s Name], (hereafter referred to as „Housekeeper“).

1. Employment Duties

The Housekeeper shall perform the following duties:

– Cleaning and sanitizing of the home, including but not limited to bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and living areas.

– Laundry and ironing.

– Dusting and polishing of furniture.

– Sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping of floors.

– Taking out the garbage and recycling.

– Maintaining organization of the home.

The Housekeeper shall be responsible for providing their own cleaning supplies and equipment.

2. Work Schedule and Hours

The Housekeeper shall work [Number of Hours] hours per week on [Days of the Week] between the hours of [Start Time] and [End Time]. Any changes to the work schedule must be approved by the Employer in advance.

3. Compensation

The Housekeeper shall be paid a wage of [Hourly Rate] per hour. Payment shall be made [Weekly/Biweekly/Monthly] in the form of [Check/Direct Deposit/Other] on [Day of Payment].

4. Performance Expectations

The Housekeeper shall perform their duties in a timely and professional manner. The Housekeeper shall be responsible for ensuring that the Employer`s home is cleaned to the Employer`s satisfaction. If the Employer is not satisfied with the Housekeeper`s work, the Housekeeper shall correct any issues promptly.

5. Termination

Either the Employer or Housekeeper may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause, upon [Number of Days] days prior written notice.

6. Confidentiality

The Housekeeper shall maintain confidentiality regarding all matters relating to the Employer`s personal and financial affairs.

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State]. Any legal action arising from or related to this Agreement shall be litigated in the courts located in [County], [State].

8. Entire Agreement

This Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Employer’s Name]

[Housekeeper’s Name]

Having a clearly written employment contract can help to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the terms of employment. It`s always a good idea to consult with an employment attorney to make sure that your contract adheres to all necessary legal requirements.